One good thing about releasing albums (maybe the best) is if you get the chance to swap your massfabricated piece of plastic into sweet signed books of great people. Luckily I've been able to do that a couple of times recently.
Brit/Canadian Crime novelist Peter Robinson earlier wrote some good things about my music on his website and a week ago I got his newest book in the mail along with a very friendly note. Thanks! I was earlier more into the crime genre, but still after widening my book diet, Peter's books are still among my favorites. Great stuff.
I befriended Swedish author Emma Adbåge a couple of year's ago, and since I'm releasing something only once in a blue moon and Emma's keeping a furious productive pace, the balance is in her favour... or mine since I've got all of her fantastic children's book and some comic offerings, and she has only got one or two cds of mine.

Kristiansand's finest, the comic author Roy Söbstad. I got his amazing collected works-book while being on tour in Norway. We met a couple of times and I always have enjoyed. I became hugely impressed when seeing his work.
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